Top Five Fall Favorites

Hey guys!! So sorry for the lack of posts lately. School started up for me again a couple of weeks ago and I'm still getting used to the schedule. And not only that, I also had a severe case of carpal tunnel just as school was starting; my left-hand was basically useless to me up until this past weekend. Yikes. Luckily I've healed up well enough to be able to bring to you my top five favorite nail polishes for the fall. I cannot tell you how excited I am for this time of year! Granted, there isn't much of a seasonal change in South Florida, but it does get less humid and sticky and if that isn't a reason to rejoice, I don't know what is! So if you'd like to find out more about my favorite nail polish for this time of year keep on reading!

First up we have Butter London Shag. I must say Butter London isn't a brand that I've mentioned often, but for a very long time it was my favorite. Their formulas are usually very smooth and easy to apply and they have a unique range of colors. Now on to Shag! This shade definitely looks more orange in the bottle, but when applied to the nail, you get this rich coppery brown color that puts you in the mood for Fall. Brushstrokes are a tad visible once that polish has dried down, but it really isn't that obvious when you've added your top coat on. The formula, as I mentioned before, was smooth and easy to apply, giving me complete opacity in two coats. 

Butter London Shag

Next up we have OPI Just Spotted the Lizard. This polish was originally released as part of the Amazing Spiderman collection in summer 2012, however, I think it works wonderfully transitioning into the Fall. My swatch isn't the best since I did have my top coat bubble up on me (totally my fault), but I think you can still get the general gist of this polish. The base is a lovely antique gold/olive color that shifts to a deep teal in certain lights. If you look at the swatch, the teal is slightly apparent around my cuticles, just don't look too hard. This has been one of my favorite polishes since I bought it four years ago and I always regret not wearing it more often. The formula is slightly sheer on the first coat as some duochromes tend to be, but full opacity can be reached in two coats. I opted for a third because my nails were a bit longer than my usual length at the time of swatching and I had a lot of visible nail line showing through.

OPI Just Spotted the Lizard

Next up is Zoya Kimmy. This polish is one I bought purely from the recommendation of Mary from aLoveTart. She has always raved about Zoya and this is one of the polishes that were her favorite for a long time. And it's easy to see why. Kimmy is a bright candy apple red that is shot through with the most amazing golden shimmer known to man. This polish has that "lit from within" quality that makes it look like its radiating light and brilliance from beneath the surface. I think this shade would be a nice pop of color during a time when we usually think of dark polishes as our go-to's. I reached full opacity in two easy coats. Warning: there was minimal staining around the cuticles, but the shimmer particles get everywhere.

Zoya Kimmy

Next we have another Zoya polish. This one is called Remy. If you have dreams of being a mermaid, this is the polish you need. It's deep, it's dark, but it's obviously not black on the nails. The shimmer shines through just as it did in Kimmy, giving it a brightness that isn't entirely expected. The deep teal mixed with the green/gold/blue shimmer is truly unique in my opinion. I don't think I've seen any other mainstream brand release this kind of combination and have it be so breathtaking. But seriously, this polish is gorgeous, that's the bottom line. I reached full opacity in two coats. Warning: this polish will stain the skin around the cuticles.

Zoya Remy

Lastly, we have OPI Get Cherried Away. We've seen this kind of deep berry shade floating around in every Fall collection for years now, so it's no surprise that it found a place in my top five. I must confess though that the main reason I bought this polish in the first place was because of it's inspiration. This polish was released in OPI's limited edition Coca Cola collection in 2014 and it was Cherry Coke's corresponding shade. Cherry Coke is my favorite flavor of soda, ever! So I had to. That was my only justification. Luckily this polish's formula is immaculate. It's creamy and smooth and so, so, so easy to apply. Two coats will get you the fullest opacity. 

OPI Get Cherried Away

Just for kicks, I posted this on my personal Instagram page

That wraps up my Top Five Fall Favorites!! I had so much fun swatching all of these polishes, but I must say, I have a new found respect for bloggers like jessFACE90, The Polishaholic, and others who do back-to-back swatches. It's hard work!! But I wouldn't mind trying it again soon. 

Hope you guys enjoyed my post!! What are your favorites for Fall?


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