A Little Life Update: Where Have I Been?

It's been quite a while since I sat down to do a blog post. I promised myself I was going to publish at least one blog post a week and I quite quickly realized I was not in the mental capacity to do so. I've found that I do enjoy blogging and keeping up with my Instagram, however, my health rapidly became an issue and I couldn't keep up.

If you remember back in August I'd mentioned having been struggling with severe carpal tunnel. I was unable to use my left hand to its' full potential and, being left handed, that took quite the toll on me. As my luck would have it, severe carpal tunnel eventually morphed into some strange numbing, tingling, and stiffening of the entire left side of my body - legs, side, arm, and neck. I was extremely scared and extremely worried about what was happening. I went to my primary doctor and he referred me to a neurologist. I was scared shitless. The neurologist ordered an MRI and a few tests to be done in his office concerning my nerves and muscles. When the results of the MRI came back, it turned out I had two lesions- one in my brain and one in the cervical spine. He explained that it was a strong suspicion that I might have multiple sclerosis and that I should see a specialist. Multiple Sclerosis, or MS for short, is an autoimmune disease where the body begins to attack the nerves. It can be extremely debilitating, such as it was in my case. Every time I move around, whether I'm standing or sitting, the left side of my body begins to go numb making it very difficult to walk properly, hold on to things, etc.

As of December 15th, I have been officially diagnosed with MS and I will hope to start treatment some time soon. I've slowly made my way back into painting my nails and posting on Instagram, however, not as regularly as I had been hoping. I'm trying to take things a day at a time considering I'm still very much feeling all of my original symptoms at the moment I'm writing this post.

What can you expect from this blog in 2017? I hope to get back into posting, but I'm not going to set a schedule for myself, not that I was following one too strictly up until this point anyhow. I would ideally like to make over the blog and have a fresh start for the new year, but, again, I'm going to take things one step at a time.

I'm so truly grateful to have taken this step in 2016. I had tossed around the idea of starting a blog for years but I never had the confidence or the support to do it. Thanks to my wonderful boyfriend and my new-found friend Crystal (@lovefreshpaint), I finally took the plunge. I don't have thousands of followers or readers, but I'm grateful for the lovely people who I've met up until this point. I'm so happy I was able to find an outlet for my hobby and it warms my heart that everyone I've met are the loveliest bunch of people.

So here's hoping that 2017 is the year of advancement, of taking risks, of living life to the fullest, and of loving yourself and everyone around you fiercely. Thank you again to all of you who have made it this far with me. On to 2017!!




  1. Wow, Jessica, what an ordeal you have recently been through. I'm so sorry to hear about the MS, but I'm glad that you have answers now and hopefully can find ways to manage your symptoms. I think you've got the right idea with the future of your blog, and I wish you nothing but the very best in 2017. ❤❤❤

    1. Thank you again! It's been quite the journey, but I'm excited for this new year and the new possibilities that await.


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