
Showing posts from November, 2018

Current Reads

Today, I'm home from school because apparently having shingles at twenty-four is a thing that can happen when you have MS. Hoorah for immunodeficiency. So, I decided to take it upon myself and actually finish this blog post that I started a few weeks ago. Hope you enjoy! If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that I recently quit my job in order to become a full-time student and finally finish college. It's been slightly stressful for obvious reasons, but I actually find the free time exactly what I've needed mentally. I've always loved reading, being one of those kids that always had their nose in this book or that one, but as an adult, I found it more difficult to set aside some time to dedicate to reading. Since late August, I've read four novels and I've just started on my fifth. I know this is a dedicated nail blog, but I'm hoping to share a few different hobbies and favorites of mine with anyone who is interested.  The first novel I fi