About Me

Hello! My name is Jessica. I'm a twenty-six-year-old Miami native who is a full-time university student. I started Lacquered Loves as a creative outlet and as a way to showcase my love of writing and nail polish to fellow enthusiasts. 

I am proud to say I'm somewhat of a reformed nail biter. When times of stress or anxiety crop up, I tend to pick at my cuticles, although I've left my actual nail biting alone. It's been a difficult journey over the past few years, but one I'm extremely grateful of. I hope anyone dealing with this nervous tick can find solace here.

Because of the nail biting, I started to look for ways to stop, as one does with any bad habit. I thought learning how to paint my nails properly at home would be the best method. And I was right. So this madness began sometime in 2011. My nail polish collection has grown quite a bit since then, and it continues to grow (because I have no self control, let's be honest), so I'll have a lot to show you.

Although this will be a part-time endeavor, I do hope to provide interesting and exciting content for those of you who read this blog. I'll have reviews of new collections, seasonal/monthly favorites, tips & tricks, and the odd non-nails related posts, too. 

So, welcome to my blog!




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